The Belladonna Writers Speculate on Kate Middleton’s Whereabouts

Where is she now? Only William knows.

Belladonna Comedy
The Belladonna Comedy


A hand pins a notecard onto a bulletin board covered in sticky notes and red string.
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Kate figures if Willy’s hairline can disappear she can too. — Katy Maiolatesi

Kate thinks all of the Spring 2024 fashion trends are rubbish so she’s boycotting getting dressed. — Kristen Mulrooney

She contributed guest vocals on a few upcoming Taylor Swift songs but has been ordered to lay low until the album drops to maximize the surprise. — Jessica Lillian

Kate Middleton? Why, there hasn’t been a Kate Middleton here for 25 years! — Fran Bixby

Kate Middleton’s obviously been cast in a reboot of Suits and is on location, filming. — Brooke Knisley

She’s been cast as Ringo in one of Sam Mendes’s Beatles movies, and she’s gone full method in a bad wig and groovy shades. — Kristen Mulrooney

She’s in a secluded location with Paul Hollywood perfecting her Spotted Dick recipe for an upcoming taping of the Great British Bake Off. — Lisa Borders

Kate is the secret Neuralink recipient Elon Musk keeps talking about. — Kelley Greene

Kate is trying to get through Oppenheimer before the Oscars. — Alyson D’Lando

Kate has gone to Mars to start a new life, and her robot replica on Earth isn’t ready for public viewing yet. — Kat García

She’s been sent to live in a farm upstate where all women go when they’re over 40. — Heidi Lux

Kate was sick of having beans on toast passed off as “gourmet” for every royal meal, so decided to take a trip to the US to experience local delicacies like SPAM. — Emily Kapp

Kate really needed a break, so she hitched a ride on that thing that just landed on the moon. — Kate Antoniades

Kate’s been manning the chemists’ station at the Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow. — Laura Lewis

Kate got stuck in a wardrobe trying to find her way to Narnia. — Heather Talty

Kate forgot to Mind the Gap while getting on the Tube and has been stuck down there ever since. — Lauren Grimaldi

Thank you to the funny and talented writers in The Belladonna Writers’ Room for their contributions!



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